
Friday, February 18, 2011

Keep it Real...For Real


Want to lose weight? Want to get bigger? Want to have a six pack?
That’s totally cool and doable. But I’m gonna ask you what you are doing to get there?

No excuses. If you have excuses than you’re not serious about reaching your goal.

If you hear yourself say, “I’ve tried but I don’t get anywhere” or “I don’t understand why I don’t lose weight. I don’t even eat that much.”

Yeah…I don’t believe you. You’re lying to yourself. That might make me sound like a total douche, but it’s true.

The magic formula for weight loss is this…now write it down so you remember:

Eat less. Move more.

I am 100% serious. You CANNOT expect to lose weight if you are taking in high amounts of calories. You know those severely obese people you see on TV that a crew has to come in to knock down a wall just to get them out of the house? They can weigh around 800 pounds or more. It takes a lot of calories to sustain that weight. So how does that translate to you? It takes calories to maintain  the weight you are at now. That means if you weigh 180lbs and you are trying to lose 20 pounds, you need to stop intaking those calories that keep you at 180lbs. Cut back on serving sizes and watch your drinkable calories. Also, workout. That can mean going for a walk, jogging, weight lifting, or doing a workout video at home. I don’t care what you decide but just pick something.

No more delusion. If you want to change your body you have to put some work into it. Period. If you want it that badly, you will find a way to make it happen. It's not going to be easy. If it was that simple, you would have done it a long time ago. You CAN do it. Just find your internal motivation to get there.

Good luck and kick ass!