
Monday, March 28, 2011

What is exercise at a moderate intensity???

So I'm sure you have heard that when you workout it is important to at least be at a moderate intensity. Well...what is moderate intensity supposed to feel like? It's a tad subjective since one person's perceived intensity level will be different from another. Check out my little video explaining what moderate intensity is and how to know whether you are there. 

Clues to know you are exercising at a moderate level:
1.) You breathing quickens, but you're not out of breath
2.) You develop a light sweat after about 10 minutes of activity
3.) The Talk-Sing Method - you can carry on a conversation but cannot sing.

So there you there. Now you know how to see the signs of whether you are at the minimum level required to gain the health benefits from fitness. Now...take it up a notch :)

Happy health!


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fish Fry Fridays and other Lenten Practices

Happy Ash Wednesday!

It’s the first day of Lent today and for all you non-Catholics, it’s a 40 day period where most Catholics sacrifice something during this season. Popular choices include sodas, candies, beer, or even sex. It doesn’t have to be a food or anything, but I’m not really going to dive into that side of the Catholic tradition, since that’s not the focus of this posting. Go google Catholic tradition and theology on your own time.

Fridays are a significant time since Catholics are asked to abstain from eating meat like beef, pork, or chicken during the Lenten Season. It all relates back to sacrifice during this period. The one meat exception is fish since that was considered a poor man’s meal. So, many many many Long John Silver’s and Captain D’s will be flooded with good little meat-abstaining Catholics munching down on their sin-free meals.. And what is available at these fast food chains? Fried everything! Fried fish, french fries, hush puppies…fried babies!!!! Well..not the babies but the fried fish is a definite. Although eating fish is a common Lenten tradition to practice on Fridays…eating it fried is a stroke waiting to happen.

I can hear the fried fish loving Catholics now…”But I can’t eat meat on Fridays! It’s forbidden!!!”  And you don’t have to eat meat, but it’s better to avoid the fried crap.

Grilling or baking fish is a healthy option, as well as making tuna salads (just don’t get crazy with the mayonnaise).

Other proteins include beans, soy, and tofu. Since I am a good little Catholic I will predominately eat tuna, organic peanut butter and banana sandwiches, rice and black beans, or have an egg white omelets during those days.  There are a ton of healthy options you can choose from that doesn’t involve clogging your arteries or expanding your waist line.

So go forth my children and eat … but don’t get crazy

Happy Lent!


Happy Registered Dietitians Day!

So today is Registered Dietitians Day! What does that mean to you if you're a non-RD? Well..nothing. It probably means nothing if you are an RD too. BUT! You could at least eat healthy today. Avoid fast food, sodas, and sugary snacks. Eat an apple, have a sandwich, and serve yourself only once at your favorite (but foul) buffet restaurant.The least you could is respect all the hard work they do in educating the public and have a yogurt or piece of string cheese instead of that snickers bar you have in your desk drawer.