
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

100 Calorie Snacks

I was at the grocery store today and went down the snack aisle and saw a middle aged woman pensively deciding which 100 calorie snack to purchase. I started thinking about conversations I have had with women whom seem to get all excited about these 100 calorie snacks.

The infamous “oh, it’s only 100 calories” quickly comes out as I walk pass them. I wasn’t even going to comment on what they were eating. Honestly, I don’t care what you eat, I just don’t want to hear you complain about how chubby, fat, unhealthy, or tired you are and you can't figure out why as you drink another soda or order a side of large fries. 

I will address the 100 calorie snacks though. For the most part it’s not a bad idea. It gives people an opportunity to control calorie intake of a snack that most over do it on. I will say that eating a piece of fruit is a better choice and can satisfy your hunger just the same. AND if you’re going to snack  on the little 100 calorie bag…just eat one. Seriously. If you start munching on two or three bags at a time, it defeats the purpose of calorie control.

Snacks in between meals help keep your metabolism going and help you from over eating during “normal” meals like lunch and dinner.

It comes down to controlling how much you put in your body and of course your nutrition choices.


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