
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Plate Method

The Plate Method - Keeping it simple.

The foods you put in your body play a big role in your health and body shape. Some foods will provider energy to keep you healthy and strong. And others can cause a great deal of damage. 

Curious what you’re supposed to eat or not to eat? Keep it simple. Follow this technique called the Plate Method. It really focuses on balanced eating and portion control.

It’s super simple. Take a normal sized dinner plate and fill half the plate up with all veggies. Cut the other half into two quarters. Place a lean protein in one quarter and a complex carb in the other. Don’t let the food touch!  It’s all about portion control.

In the vegetable section choose: lettuce, tomato, broccoli, green beans, carrots, mushrooms, spinach, peppers, cucumbers, and salad greens.  Be sure it covers half the plate. These vegetables are considered non-starchy veggies. DO NOT include corn or potatoes.

The protein section is one-fourth of the plate: Pick a nice, clean, lean meat or meat substitute. Chicken, fish, beans, or tofu are great choices. Beef and pork are higher in fat but you can choose theses everyone once in awhile when you like too. Pick sirloin, a round cut, or a pork loin when you do. Remember that “once in a while” means 3-4 times a month.  It’s all about portion control. The size of the meat should not be bigger than 1/4th of the plate. That’s about the size of a deck of cards.

Lastly, is your carbohydrate section. It will also be 1/4th of plate. Choose a whole grain carb such as whole-wheat pasta or bread, brown rice, or a baked potato (the size of a mouse).  This is also the section you can serve yourself corn as well.

This method is all about keeping nutrition balanced and watching the portion size you intake.

And remember…don’t go for seconds J

Keep it simple and good luck


 (image taken from

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