
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Is your eggo preggo?

Congrats on getting knocked up (or sorry that you did)!  So now what? Now you have two people to take care of instead of one, and that little one inside now trumps what you want. So taking care of your body physically is part of it. It’s even better if you were regularly active before the pregnancy just so that you’d be going into this journey stronger, but starting up after is okay too.

A lot of preggos have asked me if it’s okay to exercise. I of course say yes BUT (big butt – but nothing like the one you’re going to get in the last trimester. Oh relax! I’m kidding…but you know it’s true).

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist recommends 30 minutes of exercise  during pregnancy. Back in the day it was said that a pregnant woman’s heart rate shouldn’t exceed 140 beats per minute during exercise, but that’s the old recommendation.

Keep your exercise workouts at about a moderate pace. You can gauge your intensity by using the “talk method.” If you can carry a conversation during your workout, you’re most likely at a moderate pace. If you CANNOT speak normally, you might be pushing yourself too hard.

Be reasonable. Just make sure you are cleared by your physician before starting your exercise routine, especially if you have issues with blood pressure, blood sugar, or any medical conditions you might have.
Have fun, sweat it up!


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