
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are the dog days over…?

Probably not. LOL. But if you can start making a change towards something you really want and take those realistic, logical, and achievable steps to get there, those dog days might feel a little less heavy.

My point? Every January, the majority of Americans vow to make a change for the better. A lot of times these goals relate to  health and fitness.  Whether it’s to get off that cholesterol medication, or increase cardiovascular health to keep up with the grandkids or even just look good naked, all goals are valid and achievable. But so many fall off in a month.

My gym is always packed in January with New Year Rezies. It annoys me because that means I have to wait for my machine or treadmill or someone takes my favorite bike in Spin class.  Now I would be more excited about the new people if they became regulars instead of a January nuisance.

When you want something you gotta work at it. I know it’s cliché and lame of me to say, but, if you want to look good naked you have to do things that will help you look good naked (besides turning the lights off).  You can’t give up after a month because you’re not seeing changes fast enough or start going back to eating fast food every other day cause “you don’t have time.” If you want to see results you have to sacrifice some things, whether that means sodas, time, sleep, or even your favorite television program.

The only way you achieve goals is through hard work and consistency. You can’t expect to get that six pack by sitting at home drinking your favorite beer or even Starbucks drink.

You can do it, if that’s what you want. You get what you put into it.

Now stop reading my blog full of awesomeness and go workout!



  1. Hi Eric,

    You need a better photograph man!!!
    A trainer relaxing in bed --doesn't look good!!

  2. Good point Yogesh! LOL. I will up date it.
